Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
Here's what we were up to today...

Cooking... (I know it doesn't look like it, but we took a quick picture break!)

...playing with all the babies...

...taking 5 Generation pictures (seriously, 5 generations!)...

...and hanging out with the fam!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Copying Aunt Molly

This is a post for my sister-in-law Molly who lives in Alaska. Just the other day she had a post on her blog about finally purchasing some checkered Vans. When I came home tonight, my little brother Jason had brought Merrick a little present...checkered Vans! So they're not exactly the same, but close enough! Molly, make sure and bring yours at Christmas so we can take pictures :) Haha!

So cute huh? Thanks Jay, you're the best brother! And by best...I mean weirdest :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

3 Weeks old

Here's a couple of random pictures from this week.

We are doing so good and having so much fun :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Baby Merrick and I have been home for a little over a week now so I thought that I should post a few pictures. We haven't been up to much, just hanging out at home, a couple of ward Halloween parties and of course the Highland/Gilbert game. Needless to say, we've been adjusting and I'm just trying to figure out this whole mommy business :)

Here's Merrick and I the day we came home from the hospital. He is so small! His car seat pretty much drowns him, but he is growing into it nicely. I was so glad to finally get him out of the NICU and home with me! (Please try and ignore the fact that I still look 6 months pregnant...)

I love watching this little guy sleep! He is so sweet and makes the cutest noises. And he sleeps a ton so I get to do it a lot :) Look at that hair!!

We dressed Merrick up the other night to go to the ward party. He was adorable as a little pumpkin! I loved the little hat.

We keep trying to get Maddy and Merrick together in a picture. We have been unsuccessful thus far. Every time we get them close to each other Maddy mauls poor Baby Merrick! Maybe when they get a little older...