Baby Merrick and I have been home for a little over a week now so I thought that I should post a few pictures. We haven't been up to much, just hanging out at home, a couple of ward Halloween parties and of course the Highland/Gilbert game. Needless to say, we've been adjusting and I'm just trying to figure out this whole mommy business :)

Here's Merrick and I the day we came home from the hospital. He is so small! His car seat pretty much drowns him, but he is growing into it nicely. I was so glad to finally get him out of the NICU and home with me! (Please try and ignore the fact that I still look 6 months pregnant...)
I love watching this little guy sleep! He is so sweet and makes the cutest noises. And he sleeps a ton so I get to do it a lot :) Look at that hair!!
We dressed Merrick up the other night to go to the ward party. He was adorable as a little pumpkin! I loved the little hat.
We keep trying to get Maddy and Merrick together in a picture. We have been unsuccessful thus far. Every time we get them close to each other Maddy mauls poor Baby Merrick! Maybe when they get a little older...
Oh my goodness, he is adorable. My favorite is the fifth one from the top (I think), the one of him in red in the car seat :) Congratulations!!
He's so cute!! LOVE the costume. And there's NO WAY is head is in the 90th percentile range... it's so tiny. What percentile is it really? Congrats on your little man. You look so happy :)
Congrats Sharisa! He is ADORABLE:)
OH, he is so sweet!
He is so itty bitty!!! I remember when Ryder came out and they put him on my chest it felt like someone laid an anvil on me he was SO heavy and only got heavier. He's never been easy to carry. You are lucky! You won't get back problems like me. HAHA! And I agree there's no way his head is that big, Dr's don't always know and they tend to suck at guessing. You look great. Your belly will go away.
cutest pumpkin ever!!! Wow he is so perfect. I miss you guys, and you didn't say who won the highland/gilbert game. I am sure you guys did though. luv ya
oh my oh my he is so cute!!!! i love the pumpkin outfit!!! congratulations for making such a cute baby! how are you feeling after your surgery?
Oh Sharisa he is darling!! Do you have to be so cute all the time?!? Even when you left the hospital you were stylish. I was in comfy pants and a t-shirt when I left! You look great girl!
Oh he is so cute and I LOVE the pumpkin outfit! Not to mention that you look amazing to!
Sharisa!! I didn't know you had a blog, I'm so glad I saw it on facebook. CONGRATS on the beautiful baby boy! I love all that blond hair. How are you feeling? Kalia was a c-section too, and it was a painful recovery, but that's awesome that you got to skip the labor part. I will send you an invite to my blog, if your email address still the same I hope? Congrats again. Your hair looks darling too.
Sharisa, I totally just left a comment under my mom's ID (I help her with her blog.) Sorry! This is Heather. I don't have your email address so will you send me an email to heatheresplin at yahoo dot com?? Congrats on Merrick and welcome to motherhood! Woohoo!
He is to die for!! I love his little bird legs, and his little festive outfit! I'm glad he has no problem sleeping, I pray mine is the same!! ;)
I remember those first couple of weeks-they sucked. It was a huge adjustment. Hopefully it is already getting better, though! If not, it will soon! I was dissapointed after I had Tate and people were asking me when I was due...but whatever. I think you look great-I mean you just had a baby a couple of weeks ago! Enjoy.
hey! I went through all the boys clothes and shoes and I have some stuff for you! let me know when a good time is to bring them by. and also could I get your address?!
Sharissa He is adorable, you need to come by so that we can see him. When you are up to it.
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